
Monday, October 22

Week In Review: Focusing On The Positive

Individual Investors should be focusing on the positive aspects of Wall Street.
The stock market still offers the Individual Investor the most secure path to financial independence.
What To Do
There are plenty of good people who do good work on Wall Street and throughout the financial services industry – as I have always proclaimed. It is fruitless for Individual Investors to focus on all the negative aspects of the financial services industry. This is tantamount to focusing on the bad apples in the NFL. Individual Investors should be focusing on all the positives of the financial services industry; for instance, Individual Investors can start off on the road to prosperity with as little as $100 per month. Anyone, and yes I do mean anyone, who is serious about saving & investing can find an extra $100 per month to invest. For Individual Investors and savers who are serious, the stock market still offers the absolute unequivocal best vehicle for wealth accumulation, planning for a secure retirement, or paying for your children’s education.

Are you focusing too much on the negative workings of the stock market? Give Clark Brothers Investments the opportunity to get you started in a more positive direction today! – call text or email us @ 720.255.5711.
Quote of the Week
When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. John F. Kennedy
We believe in You! - The Individual Investor

Stay Positive! Think Positive! Act Positive! Be Positive!

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Jason R. Clark
T:  720 255 5711
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Clark Brothers Investments
Registered Investment Advisors
18810 E. Whitaker Circle
Aurora, CO 80015

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